Access to Sustainable Energy Programme in the Philippines: Technical Assistance for Access to Sustainable Energy on the Philippines Sub-Project

The Access to Sustainable Energy Programme (ASEP) supports the Philippine government in its efforts to offer solutions that will increase access to electricity, integrate renewable energy on- and off-grid, and promote energy efficiency. The sub-project is aimed at providing expert assistance to the Department of Energy and other stakeholders in appliance standards and labelling to enforce energy efficiency in the residential sector that is consistent with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Roadmap and its Action Plan.

 CSi provided the experts who reviewed the Philippine Energy Standards and Labelling Program (PESLP) and evaluated its coverage, general technical and particular product requirements (PPR) for select appliance standards and labels. CSi led the development of energy performance standards for prioritized appliances and presented these in public consultations among consumers, the Philippine Appliances Industry Association, and supply chain participants (manufacturers, importers, distributors, and retailers of appliances and lighting products). CSi also came up with recommendations on how to strengthen the institutional arrangements with the Bureau of Philippine Standards and Philippine Appliances Industry Association for the implementation of the appliance standards and labels.


Posted on

July 22, 2018

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